"Le buffet est ouvert", the choice is yours !
At BIRD, we are determined to serve our residents with what brings them joy and enthusiasm. And since food undoubtedly remains a major pillar of well-being, we need to make sure that everyone finds their own. That is why ESPACE SAVEURS will always be committed to remain your favorite canteen by lovelingly feeding you with healthy, diverse, creative, and locally sourced goodies!
Making a choice might indeed turn out to be tricky. But hey… that’s part of the fun! In any case, and whatever you pick, we’ll always be here to wish you a very, very bon appétit.
What we believe to be our users’s inherent sense of freedom of choice, as well as their concern for sustainability, should be honoured at our in-house cafeteria ESPACE SAVEURS. The BIRDHOUSE’s inspired offer is indeed - as it should be! - displayed for you to instantly see and smell and pick and choose. The many options range from locally sourced succulent bites to frankly delish goodies, all prepared and presented with an equally beautiful amount and love for you to enjoy. So every day, you’ll have to choose between super creative and fresh vegetarian, fish or meat-based goodies. “Farm to table”, only super optimised
The BIRD’s socially responsible project is the result of a partnership between the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil International (FAAI), the Ecole Hôtelière de Genève (EHG) and Gourmet Brothers. At our self-service restaurant ESPACE SAVEURS, for instance, young people are offered a chance to become a trainee in one of the restaurant’s hospitality trades.
As a work integration restaurant, and with the constant professional socio-educational guidance, the BIRDHOUSE offers to 15 young people the opportunity to access a dual training course, leading to a well-deserved certification.